"I want to spank you, but also want to know you want it. I need to hear it sweetheart, tell me you deserve it..."
― Felicity Brandon
meet Miss Chris
Since pictures say a thousand words, here is a gallery of Miss Chris favorite pictures
to describe some of her 16 years of spanking!

Discipline Based Life Coaching
(single session)
Discipline Based Life Coaching
(3, 6, 9 & 12 month extended programs)
Spanking: Hand & Implements
Percussive Play
Academic / Medical / Religious Role Plays
Domestic Discipline
Corporal Punishment /
Judicial Scenes
Group Classes: Local, National & International
Dom-Top Training /
One on One Tutorials
Custom "Spank U
Outreach™" Programs
Couples Training /
Play Partner Exploration
Female Led Relationships / HoH-tih Lifestyles /
Contractual Dynamics
Pro Disciplinarian Mentoring
Event Planning
And a soon to be announced new line of Spanking Educational Materials years in the developing!
Self Care
Spank "Therapies"
"Punourishment" /
"Punurturing" play
"Forced" Guilt Release /
"Forced" Confessions
Sexual Orientation /
Gender Identity /
Kink Expression
Acceptance Play
Tactile / Rhythmic "Therapies"
Stress Release /
Cortisol Dump
Rite of Passage /
Self Empowerment /
Take Back Control Scenes
Extreme Sport/
Endorphin-Adrenaline Rush
Kinky BnB Host
Extended Domestic Confinement
Travelling Disciplinarians
Playspace Rental /
Costume Rental /
Impact Toy Rental
Adult Erotic
Retreat Rental /
Vintage Domestic
Role Play Space Rental