You asked, and we are answering! On April 20th, I'll be hosting our Spring Fling Spanking Party here at Ironwood Terrace, Phoenix AZ. For invites, please contact me directly at MissChrisSpanks@Gmail.com. As usual, two days before, I'll be presenting my Intro to the Spanking Scene classes for any new folk interested in coming out for the soiree. New member orientation is required for all new members. You can expect the same fun part atmosphere with raffles, contests, vending and of course the hottest spanking action in Phoenix.

On April 13th, I'll be presenting again for my favorite online educational organization, Black Thorn. This time, I'll be talking about all things Dolls in my Dollification class. This is always a fun light-hearted class! For tickets, go here: https://forbiddentickets.com/events/black-thorn/2024-04-13-come-on-barbie-let-s-go-party-dollification-101

Finally, I've recently come out with print on demand T-shirts through my Etsy store (https://misschristexastoys.etsy.com). But I can't sell this one 👆 through Etsy, so if you want one of these contact me directly. It comes in either red or black, either women's v neck or men's crew neck. All sizes, colors and versions are less than $30.
March and April are gearing up to be busy months. Looking forward to updating you as we go!
Miss Chris